Eryne Schneider is sophomore who studied abroad in Salamanca, Spain with ISA over summer 2024. She is a sophomore double majoring in Spanish and Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.
Buckeyes Abroad: Eryne Schneider

Eryne Schneider is sophomore who studied abroad in Salamanca, Spain with ISA over summer 2024. She is a sophomore double majoring in Spanish and Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.
Hifsah Ayub spent the summer of 2024 studying abroad in Cyprus. As a senior majoring in Environment, Economy, Development, and Sustainability, she received the Wolfe Study Abroad scholarship and additional funding from the Gary Sharpe Field School and Phi Kappa Phi.
Abbey Kashani Motlagh, a sophomore majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering, studied abroad through the B1G STEM and Irish Studies program in the summer of 2024.
Ella Higgins, a senior majoring in animal sciences, studied abroad through the Human and Animal Interactions program over winter break 2023.
Nevaeh King studied abroad on the Panama: Through the Lens of AgriCulture, Sustainability and Diversity during winter break 2023.