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Buckeyes Abroad: Paige Thobe


Senior Paige Thobe, Spanish and strategic communication double major, is studying abroad in Seville, Spain, on the Connecting Worlds Abroad global education program during spring semester 2022.


I'm currently studying abroad with the Connecting Worlds Abroad program in Seville, Spain. The program is for Spanish majors and minors and is an amazing program because it allows you to take classes in Spain, while also knowing they will transfer back to Ohio State for credit. In our program, we live with host families, which is also amazing because every day I get to practice my Spanish and use it to create valuable connections with the family. There are about 20 other Ohio State students who are abroad with me in the same program, and it's been super fun getting to know them as well.

It feels like a dream to finally be abroad. I've known since 2019 that I wanted to study abroad in Spain specifically with the COWA program. Originally, I planned on studying abroad for the entire 2020-2021 academic year and was crushed when I couldn't go. This semester that I'm studying abroad is my last semester of college before graduating, and I feel so lucky getting to end my time at Ohio State with this experience. After only being here for three weeks, I feel that I've already experienced so much and I'm so excited to keep having new experiences in these next few months.

I would absolutely encourage other students to study abroad because, in my opinion, there is nothing better than being young and traveling. Even though it feels like it can be hard to say goodbye to friends in Ohio, the memories and experiences you make while studying abroad are absolutely priceless. I think college is one of the best times to go abroad because with study abroad, you have people to help you transition into a life in Europe, which is something you may never have again.