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Whether you choose to study in Africa, Asia, Australia, the Middle East, North America or South America, you will benefit both personally and professionally from this life-changing experience. 

You can earn academic credit, fulfilling requirements in your major, minor or elective coursework; experience hands-on learning and gain invaluable intellectual insight. 

You'll develop global competencies: the ability to work effectively in international settings; an awareness of and adaptability to diverse cultures, perspectives and approaches; a familiarity with major currents of global change and the issues they raise; effective communication skills that can cross cultural and linguistic boundaries; and a comprehension of the international dimensions of your field of study. 

You will be able to prepare for your future. Education abroad provides problem-solving skills, as well as a sense of direction and purpose for your future career. You'll learn how to work independently and as part of a team, all the while developing self reliance and an adventurous spirit. 

Is education abroad expensive?

Education abroad is an investment in yourself and your future. The Office of International Affairs strives to develop programs that are as affordable as possible. All Ohio State students may apply for grants and scholarships, and can apply most of their financial aid to education abroad program costs as well. 

Will I graduate on time if I study abroad?

Ohio State grants graded academic credit for study abroad programs, so you can continue to make regular academic progress. In fact, the majority of students who study abroad complete their coursework by their intended graduation date, and often you'll know how much credit you'll earn before you've even left for your education abroad program. 

What subjects can I study abroad?

You don't need to be a foreign language or international studies major to study abroad; Ohio State students can study a wide variety of subjects in another country. You can take classes in your minor, satisfy GE requirements or try something new. Experiences and skills that you learn while abroad can apply to almost any field. 

Don't I have to be an "A" student to study abroad?

No, but you do need to be academically ready to study in another country. Generally, a GPA of 2.5 or better is required. 

Can I still study abroad if I'm not taking a foreign language?

Despite what you might think, you don't need to speak a foreign language to study abroad. Our large variety of programs allows for many different education abroad experiences — many programs allow study in English, some require a foreign language background and some provide you with intensive foreign language study.  

How long can I study abroad?

The Office of International Affairs has programs that last as little as one week and as long as one year — with everything in between! 

When should I start planning to study abroad?

It's never too early to start planning; ideally, getting started one year in advance of your departure allows sufficient time for thorough planning and preparation. 

When is the best time to study abroad?

Some programs require junior standing, but most education abroad programs can be arranged anytime, beginning your freshman year. 

Can you tell me more about studying abroad during May?

The Office of international Affairs offers quite a few study abroad programs during May. One restriction to note is that students cannot graduate before studying abroad on a May program; graduation at the end of summer session will be possible in many cases.

May programs depart in the month of May and do not exceed four weeks. Credit hours earned in May will be added to credit hours earned in summer session to determine the amount of your federal financial aid. Payment due dates for May study abroad programs will follow the university's summer term due dates

On-campus housing will be available during May for students who plan to participate in study abroad programs that require students to take an on-campus component before departing for the component abroad.

How can I choose the best program for me?

There are a variety of program types that give you the option of choosing when, where and how long you study abroad. You can study abroad with students from Ohio State, or you can choose a program that will include students from other universities. You can also study abroad through an exchange program, which would allow you to travel independently.

Some study abroad program classes are completed on campus before departing overseas. Other programs immerse the students in a classroom setting in another country for a semester or more. Our choosing the right program and ways to study abroad sections should help you decide what option is right for you.

How do I find available and approved programs?

Visit our searchable database to look for programs. 


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