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Protocol for Foreign Government Official Visit Requests

The Ohio State University welcomes international delegations to campus for short-term visits to facilitate mutually beneficial partnerships, explore research and educational collaborations and share knowledge and expertise with institutions of higher education and government entities around the globe. 

Faculty or staff who wish to host an international delegation, or international governmental entities who would like to arrange a visit to Ohio State or meet with university faculty for the purpose of exploring potential partnerships and educational exchanges, must complete a formal request form. The information provided will help the university facilitate a visit that will be mutually beneficial and allow the university to track our international engagements. The request must be received four weeks in advance of the proposed arrival in the United States so that university staff can secure the resources necessary and plan an itinerary.

University Lead 

Unless otherwise designated, the lead contact for the university with regards to visits, events, and the administration of these protocols will be the Office of International Affairs (OIA). 

Oversight Committee 

Geopolitical events require Ohio State to review engagements the university has with government agencies and individuals from a foreign country. To assist with reviewing foreign government visit requests, an Oversight Committee provides assessment and guidance. Individuals from the following offices will serve on the committee:

  • Office of International Affairs
  • Office of Legal Affairs
  • Office of Government Affairs
  • Office of University Compliance and Integrity
  • Office of Secure Research 


If a university department is requesting or hosting the international governmental entity, the University Lead will develop the itinerary and, if not serving as the University Lead, OIA will coordinate with the Office of Secure Research (OSR) and other relevant offices and notify the Oversight Committee of the request.

Protocol for Foreign Government Visits 

The goal of this protocol is to establish a standard process for reviewing foreign government visit requests that support the university’s outreach and engagement mission and reflect the values we are committed to through our Shared Values Initiative. This protocol establishes the following baseline oversight and assessment process for all foreign government visits requests. Diplomatic protocols call for a more formal process, so adherence to requirements and timelines will be more strictly enforced. The University expects foreign government visitors to provide a request for a visit at least four weeks in advance of proposed arrival to the Ohio State University campus to receive appropriate university response, or otherwise as soon as practicable. The university will respond to such requests as follows:

  • The University Lead serves as primary point of contact and intake point for all requests.
  • OIA will gather visit request information through a standard Visitor Intake Form, which includes questions regarding the interest and purpose of the visit.
  • OIA will initiate an appropriate screening process with OSR for the visiting individuals and organizations. Screening process includes review of U.S. Government restricted entity lists and utilizes an international risk assessment tool.
  • OIA, in consultation with OSR, will notify the Oversight Committee of the request, include a summary of the screening process and activate the committee if additional guidance is needed.
  • OIA retains the right to delegate activities as appropriate to the sponsoring unit while maintaining oversight to ensure appropriate requirements are met.
  • The University Lead will identify the university office or employee who will escort visitors to meetings. Visitors must be accompanied at all times. The office or employee identified as the escort will complete a summary of the visit and provide it to OIA.
  • Once visit arrangements are confirmed, OIA may within its sole discretion issue a letter of invitation upon request, which includes the approved scope and purpose of visit, names and titles of visitors, and additional details, including designated escort. OIA will also communicate with colleges, departments, units of interest, as appropriate, or may delegate this responsibility to the sponsoring unit.