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The Office of International Affairs facilitates the advancement of a wide variety of institutional collaborations across the globe. These partnerships often result in formal international agreements that partner Ohio State colleges, departments, institutes and units with universities, governmental and non-profit organizations and corporations abroad to advance scholarship, student, faculty and scholar mobility and innovative research. 

The international agreement search engine allows you to explore Ohio State’s existing and historic agreements by partner institution, agreement type and location. Please note, at this time not all Ohio State agreements have been imported into the database. Should you have questions, please contact  

Search by Partner

A key word search can be used to locate specific institutions, or a list of partners is generated in  alphabetical order. Each institution in the partner list is hyperlinked and all agreements with Ohio State will be displayed along with the academic unit affiliation and a short description of the agreement. 

Search by Agreement Type

The search engine can be filtered by specific types of agreements

  • Memorandum of Understanding
  • Memorandum of Agreement
  • Student Exchange Agreement
  • Affiliation Agreement 
  • Student/Scholar Placement (inbound or outbound
  • Statement of Interest

Search by Location

The map illustrates where Ohio State’s partners are located by region, country and city. The location category can be used to search by country.

Ohio State Faculty and Staff

Proposals for new international agreements should be discussed at the outset with Elizabeth Angerman and the international liaison of the initiating college. The steps for establishing a new agreement should be reviewed so you are familiar with the process

If you are considering an international collaboration but do not yet have a partner institution, there is value in starting with an institution with which Ohio State already has a relationship. Alternately, if you have an international partner, use the international search engine to see if others at Ohio State also have agreements with this institution. 

If you would like to partner with an institution, you can click on the “create proposal” button to start the process on any of the institutional agreement pages, or on the search engine landing page by clicking on the “Log In” button in the top right corner of the page, or just below the map by clicking on “create new agreement proposal.” You will be asked to log in with your name.# and password