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On-Campus Employment

F-1 on-campus employment

F-1 students may work up to 20 hours per week on campus when classes are in session and over 20 hours per week during semester breaks and students' annual vacation term.

Work off campus must be authorized by an immigration coordinator in the Office of International Affairs.

On-campus employment includes work as a teaching or research assistant and jobs in the school library, cafeteria and administrative offices.

Students may work in restaurants on campus, such as Wendy's in the Wexner Medical Center, the Fawcett Center and the Ohio State Golf Course restaurant. Students may work at Barnes & Noble, the Office of Human Resources and the South Campus Gateway Apartments. They may not work at any other business at the South Campus Gateway.

International students are not eligible for the federal "Work Study" program, a form of federal financial aid for domestic students.

On-campus employment is not permitted after graduation until Optional Practical Training (OPT) begins.

Where to find job listings

  • On-campus jobs (non-work-study)
  • Jobs are often available in libraries, the Ohio Union, RPAC, Dining Services, Blackwell Hotel, academic departments, etc.

J-1 on-campus employment

Federal regulations require any J-1 on-campus employment to be reported to and approved by the Office of International Affairs. Please submit the J-1 On-Campus Employment e-Form at least one week before your work start date.

The on-campus employment that you are required to report includes

  • Assistantship (GTA, GRA, GAA)
  • Fellowship (with work component)
  • Any other on-premises employment (campus dining, library work, etc.)

Any on-campus employment must be reported to the Office of International Affairs before the employment commences. On-campus employment may only be authorized for up to 12 months at a time. Employment may continue beyond one year, however, the student's employment authorization must be updated every 12 months. J-1 students may only work a maximum of 20 hours per week while school is in session. During semester breaks and authorized annual vacation terms, J-1 students may work an unlimited number of hours per week.

Please note that on-campus employment authorization is different from authorized Academic Training. Approval for Academic Training is a separate process, and you need to meet with an immigration coordinator at the Office of International Affairs.