The Office of International Affairs has five Area Studies Centers: Center for African Studies, Center for Latin American Studies (Title VI National Resource Center), Center for Slavic East European and Eurasian Studies (Title VI National Resource Center), East Asian Studies Center (Title VI National Resource Center) and the Middle East Studies Center. The centers support academic activities and outreach initiatives that include advanced foreign language acquisition as well as area and international studies to ensure a steady supply of graduates with expertise in less commonly taught languages, world areas and transnational trends. The Title VI centers received $6.1 million in funding through the U.S. Department of Education for the 2022-26 cycle to support programing and grant opportunities.
Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) funding, coupled with matching funds in the form of tuition awards from the Graduate School, allows the Center for East European and Eurasian Studies (CSEEES), the East Asian Studies Center (EASC) and the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) to provide academic year- and summer-long fellowships to students undergoing training in less commonly taught languages and related area or international studies. CLAS, CSEEES and EASC also administer interdisciplinary master’s programs.
Outreach activities by the centers extend the reach of Ohio State into the K-16 sphere (including community colleges, minority serving institutions and the community, helping to ensure broader knowledge of the world regions among Ohio residents and other populations.