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Pre-departure Checklist

As you prepare to depart the United States, there are a number of tasks you'll need to complete before you leave. Review the items on this pre-departure checklist to ensure that you have everything in order before you go abroad.

  • Apply for your passport immediately and a visa, if required.
  • Read any materials you are given thoroughly.
  • Attend all Office of International Affairs pre-departure orientation(s).
  • Complete the Credit Evaluation Form, if applicable, for the courses you plan to take abroad.
  • If you receive financial aid, attend walk-in hours to speak with a financial aid counselor at the Student Academic Services Building.
  • Schedule a Travel Consultation at the Student Health Center (online via My BuckMD Connection or by calling 614-292-4321). You may also choose to meet with another trained travel medical professional. Check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to learn about recommended or required vaccinations for your host country.
  • Plan how to handle your money while abroad. This includes notifying your credit card company and bank of the dates and locations of your travel, being aware of foreign transaction and ATM fees, planning how much money to take and knowing how to access emergency funds if necessary.
  • Review your plan for communicating while abroad. Contact your cell phone provider to arrange an international calling plan for the duration of your program. Alternatively, students may opt to buy or rent a cell phone while abroad.
  • Register for the education abroad abroad course(s) required for your program of participation.
  • Pay all required fees and clear all registration holds on your university Statement of Account.
  • Log in to your student center to make sure you have completed the Student Financial Responsibility Statement, required each semester.
  • Review the Applications and Policies section of our website.
  • Familiarize yourself with the history, economy and culture of where you are going.
  • Make copies of important documents (passport, visa, GeoBlue insurance card, prescriptions, credit cards, etc.), both to carry with you and to leave at home.
  • Register with the U.S. Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program .
  • Complete all post-decision items listed on your education abroad profile.
  • If you take prescription and/or over-the-counter medication(s), check with GeoBlue insurance to verify that the medicine is legal to bring into the country. Verify if you can carry enough to last the duration of your trip, plus several days extra in case of travel delays during your return.
  • If you are an international student, consult an immigration coordinator in the Office of International Affairs to make sure your visa and other documents are in order. Be sure to read up on the travel requirements
  • Review health and safety information.
  • Make sub-leasing plans (if necessary) for your time abroad, as well as housing arrangements for after your return from your study abroad program.
  • Consider visiting Student Legal Services to draft a power of attorney to appoint someone to handle your business and financial matters while you are gone.