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Buckeyes Abroad: Aubrey Wright

Aubrey Wright, a journalism major, studied abroad on The British Horror Film in London in summer 2022 with 14 Ohio State students. The program is offered by the Department of Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences.

I’m sure I would have loved studying in London anyway, but the people I went abroad with truly made the experience special. The other students were also a huge influence on my experience. Many of us had different majors and backgrounds, but we all shared a love of movies that bonded us together. We learned so much in and out of the classroom — everything from how to ride the tube and count British coins to the best ways to use psychoanalytic theories in film. I was very grateful to have such a great group of people to take on London with me.

My instructors Linda Mizejewski and Maggie Jackson are two major reasons my experience was so memorable. They built exploring the city into the curriculum. Between attending lectures and working on assignments about horror and media, we were constantly running around London to experience everything we could. We visited museums, landmarks, archives, theaters, unique restaurants and even a Victorian graveyard! The month went by so quickly, but they always encouraged us to pause, reflect, and take a moment to appreciate being in such a beautiful city.

I have never left Ohio, or even central Ohio. I grew up about 30 minutes from campus, so the leap to college wasn’t as big as I was hoping. I knew I needed to go abroad to get the most out of my time at Ohio State and mature the way I wanted to. This program in particular was important to me because it gave me a chance to live in one of the biggest cities in the world. Going abroad and facing so much change could be difficult, but I knew it would provide me unique cultural opportunities and offer a whole new perspective on the world. It’s also fun and feels like an adventure! So much of college is about working, building a resume, or doing schoolwork for hours on end, but programs abroad are unique because it gives you a chance to enjoy yourself somewhere beautiful.

I learned I’m much more capable and independent than I thought I could be. By the time my plane finally landed in Columbus at the end of the program, I felt so confident in myself. I learned how to navigate an entirely new city and transportation system, deal with people from all over the world, and manage my time, classes and money without a problem. Of course, there were some difficulties and culture shock, but I worked through everything without a hitch. As soon as I got home, I booked another trip out west for the first time because I was so inspired by my experience.

Being a global citizen is important because it shifts your entire perspective of yourself and the world. Global citizens see the importance of collaboration and exploration, which are two things I believe are extremely important for success and growth. By becoming a global citizen, you open up your world to new possibilities and problem solving. Global citizens know that people can still honor our differences but still connect and unite to make the world better. It’s about seeing the bigger picture, not just the smaller one you grew up with. It may sound cheesy but going to London helped show me the true value of different perspectives and ways of life, and as a global citizen I hope to grow that understanding throughout my life.