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Buckeyes Abroad: Ariana Gill

Ariana Gill is a junior studying animal science and religious studies. She traveled abroad to Ireland as part of the Human and Animal Interactions program over winter break 2023.

What made my education abroad fun was how I got to be involved in a program that is aligned with my major. I am an animal science major and animals are my biggest passion, so going Ireland to not only experience another country but to visit some animals and learn about their ways of caring for them was very cool and something I will remember for the rest of my life. 

A distinct memory that I have from this trip was when we got to visit the Blarney Castle and climb up to the top of it. It was cool to be able to visit a place like this and get to explore around on my own time with a few other people in the program. 

It was important for me to go abroad because one of my goals for not only my life but my academic career is to visit different countries and experience what it is like to be in areas that are so far from home. I think it is such a great opportunity to learn about how people live in other countries and also to get outside of my comfort zone. Going to Ireland made me more independent and more comfortable getting out of my comfort zone and enjoying a once in a lifetime experience that I was very lucky to be able to do. 

What I have learned about myself from going abroad is that I am able to do things that my past self would be proud of. I used to fear flying and I've also never gone on a trip quite like this where I was without my close family. The group definitely helped me to feel more secure and I was comfortable talking with other students throughout the whole trip. But the fact that I was able to travel without my family who I had always travelled with before was a great opportunity. I feel like I became more independent, confident, and this will help make my future travel a lot more enjoyable. 

What I think it means to be a global citizen is to be a well-rounded student and person and to have the skills and knowledge to help make the world a better place. Being a global citizen also shows that you are willing to get out there in the world and take what you've learned and apply it to your everyday life, which can be virtually any area of interest. There are so many different people and cultures and experiences out there that are waiting to be explored by people and students who are curious about the world.