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Pre-departure Orientation builds foundation for success

Ohio State’s virtual Pre-departure Orientations for new international students from China, India and Brazil – where the university’s Global Gateways are located – provides a space for future Buckeyes and their families to learn more about college life, meet university staff and gain key insights before traveling abroad.

Representatives from the offices of International Affairs, Student Academic Excellence, Student Life and the China, India and Brazil Gateways share important information on a variety of topics that will help ease the transition to attending college in the United States.

This year, Pre-departure Orientations were held on June 9 (India), June 14 (Brazil) and June 17 (China). Eighty students and nine family members attended the India session; 13 students and three family members attended the Brazil session; and 143 students and 28 family members attended the China session.

“Attending Pre-departure Orientation is an excellent way for new international students to better prepare for their upcoming travel to the United States and learn more about what to expect when they arrive on campus,” said Megan Lawther, chair of the Pre-departure Orientation Committee and global engagement program manager at the Office of International Affairs. “The information and resources we provide gives students a strong foundation on which to build upon to ensure a successful and enriching experience at Ohio State.” 

As a new first-year international student there are myriad of items on the checklist that students should know about and do prior to arriving on campus. 

Topics addressed during the 90-minute Pre-departure Orientation include an overview of the immigration process, housing, dining, health insurance, academics and ways to be involved outside the classroom.