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Enhancing data management and statistical modeling skills for AMR surveillance

In a collaborative effort to address the challenges of data quality in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance, the Global One Health initiative (GOHi) partnered with the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) to conduct a training program about data management and basic statistical modeling in One Health research.

Held from July 29 to 31 at EPHI's training center in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, this training aimed to build One Health capacity as part of the Ohio State Global One Health Summer Institute. Attendees gained practical, hands-on training using data applicable to everyday practice to support One Health and AMR surveillance objectives, strengthen One Health/AMR data management and analysis and fill gaps in data analysis tools and software skills.

Attendees participated in two comprehensive modules as part of the training: "Data Management and Descriptive Analysis using R" and "Basic Statistical Modeling using R." The first part included an introduction to R, the basics of programming in R and data cleaning, management and descriptive analysis using R. The second part covered basic concepts of statistical modeling and the family of statistical models.

The training employed various methods to ensure an engaging and valuable learning experience, including interactive lectures, presentations with case studies, hands-on demonstrations, practice sessions and brainstorming activities.

Overall, the training program enhanced participants' data management and statistical modeling skills, empowering them to generate high-quality AMR surveillance data.