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Buckeyes Abroad: Dominic Doxsey

Dominic Doxsey is a sophomore studying animal sciences. He studied abroad on the Human and Animal Interactions program during winter break 2023.

What made the trip memorable for me were the people I met as I never expected to become such good friends with so many of them. I also really enjoyed exploring Ireland and visiting so many different locations. My favorite moment was hanging out with my friends on the last night of the trip and exploring the city of Dublin with them. 

I’ve always been into traveling and exploring new places, so I wanted to make sure I went to a new country at least once while in college, and this experience made me want to go somewhere new again. 

I learned a lot about the culture of Ireland and some of the bigger differences between Europe and America, such as tipping. Being a global citizen means learning and appreciating other cultures, and understanding that the differences between cultures are not weaknesses, but rather strengths that make everyone unique.