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Buckeyes Abroad: Emily Crawley

A dual degree major in mechanical engineering and aviation engineering, Emily Crawley studied abroad on the Center for Aviation Studies International Perspectives on Aviation spring break program in 2023.

Center for Aviation Studies International Perspectives on Aviation spring break program was a once in a lifetime experience. While abroad, we got to visit multiple aviation museums, and even got behind the scenes tours of the process for restoring airplanes for the museums. We got to meet England's Civil Aviation Authority, as well as take a visit to Cranfield University and learn all about the aviation research that they do."

"One of my favorite parts of the trip was visiting the headquarters of British Airways and getting to talk to the previous CEO. Overall, I learned so much more about aviation, and how it works outside of the United States, but we also got to do a lot of the typical sightseeing and learned about the history of England dating back thousands of years, including visits to Stonehenge, the Tower of London, and Westminster Abbey."

"This trip was my first time abroad and an experience that I will remember forever. Outside of learning about aviation and history, I learned a lot about other cultures and how they're different than ours here in the U.S. I also got to practice navigating foreign public transportation, made some very close friends, and got to network with aviation industries and professionals in the United Kingdom.”

Read more about the education abroad program on Center for Aviation Studies: Exploration Aviation Abroad.