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GOHi hosts CARES Act annual review meeting

The Ohio State Global One Health initiative (GOHi) is an implementing partner for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, a five-year multi-partner program funded by the U.S. CDC to strengthen Ethiopia’s core International Health Regulation capabilities. In partnership with the Ethiopian government and other in-country partners, there has been a tremendous effort to strengthen national Emergency Management, public health surveillance, laboratory capacity and workforce development since launching in March 2021.

GOHi facilitated the annual meeting on December 15-16, 2021, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to review program achievements and implementation challenges during year one. GOHi also presented year one project outcomes as an implementer, including:

  • Deploying a robust surveillance workforce at all levels of the health system pyramid
  • Supplying data management infrastructure
  • Preparing documents
  • Hosting various training to build surveillance and laboratory workforce capacity
  • Procuring key supplies

The organization will continue working to meet project-specific goals and build national capacity to prevent, detect and respond to public health threats.