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Costing of the Ethiopia VPD Surveillance System

The Ohio State Global One Health initiative (GOHi) hosted a kickoff meeting on February 16, 2022, to start a U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)-funded project on the costing of the Ethiopia Vaccine-Preventable Disease (VPD) Surveillance System to strengthen Ethiopia’s core International Health Regulation capabilities. In partnership with the Ethiopian government and other in-country partners, this project aims to produce country-level estimates of the financial costs of the Ethiopian VPD Surveillance System.

Ethiopia will be the second country to field test and refine the cost methodology to determine the country-level costs of surveillance platforms for multiple VPDs and the costs attributable to different diseases within the platform. Over the next few months, GOHi will work with the CDC, the Ethiopian Public Health Institute and other country-level partners to train and deploy a surveillance team, collect data from sites around Ethiopia and analyze the results for dissemination on this innovative work.