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Buckeyes Abroad: Eva Greenberg

Eva Greenberg, a communication major, interned in Spain with Mooveteam for two months during summer 2022 on a Fisher College of Business Global Internship program.

My passion for travel came from my dad, who learned Spanish while he was in the Peace Corps in El Salvador many years ago. When he came back, he met my mom, who only knew Spanish at the time. The only reason they got together was because he learned Spanish abroad. After my dad passed away a few years ago, I was inspired to travel the world in the same ways he did, in his memory.

Traveling to Spain for a two-month internship has been such an incredible experience. These two months have flown by, and I will forever be grateful for this opportunity. I have been working as a marketing intern for Mooveteam, a software company. I have written blog posts for the company website, proofread presentations, used marketing tools, and so much more.

There are so many things that have made this trip memorable for me. For one, the people within the program that I have met have been so lovely and a pleasure to meet. These are friends that I will continue to have back at Ohio State.

On the weekends, I took every opportunity to travel to different cities in Spain as each city is so unique. I traveled to Valencia, Ibiza, Girona and cities along Costa Brava such as Roses and Cadaques. The beaches were so beautiful and such a perfect balance from the city life of Barcelona.

In Barcelona, there are so many things to do. I love going to work, coming back for a siesta, then going out for a tapas-style dinner with my roommates in the Gothic Quarter. There is so much to see on our walks such as Gaudi’s famous buildings, street art, galleries, and famous landmarks like the Arc de Triomf. Walking around the city is what I prefer but the public transportation system is so helpful and useful as well.

Through this experience, I have learned that it is so easy to take something for granted. While being here, I made it a goal to see or do something new every single day to make the most out of my two months here. However, when I think back at my time at Ohio State, there are so many places that I have not explored in the city of Columbus or on campus. With only one more semester, I am going to go in with a new mindset and hopefully carry that mindset with me wherever I go.