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Brazilian students and scholars share culture on campus

Taste of OSU, an Ohio State Office of International Affairs’ signature event, took place on February 17 at the Ohio Union. This year, 30 international clubs showcased their culture through food, performances and informational booths. The Brazilian Student Association participated in the event where they made “pasteis” (fried savory pastry) and “brigadeiros” (chocolate fudge), both beloved Brazilian dishes.

Ohio State’s Wooster campus also had its signature international event on March 21. The Celebration of Nations is an event sponsored by the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences where students and scholars from around the world have the chance to showcase their food and culture. This year, the seven Brazilian students and scholars in Wooster brought some of the most popular Brazilian dishes, including “Feijoada” (black bean stew), “brigadeiro,” “beijinho” (coconut fudge named “little kisses” in Portuguese), “goiabada com queijo” (guava paste and cheese, named “Romeo and Juliet” in Portuguese), “pão de queijo” (cheese bread) and Brazilian coffee.