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Applying the Brighton Collaboration Case Definition for causality assessment

Applying standardized case definitions is crucial to enhancing the ability to accurately assess the causality of Adverse Events Following Immunizations (AEFIs) and contributing to vaccine safety monitoring.

In collaboration with the Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority (EFDA), the Ohio State University Global One Health initiative (GOHi) recently provided two days of training on Brighton Collaboration case definitions (BCCDs) to members of the national Pharmacovigilance Advisory Committee and experts from the EFDA and selected hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Training topics included the importance of standardized case definition in assessing AEFIs and applications of BCCDs in day-to-day clinical care and causality assessments. A member of the Brighton Collaboration Science Board provided the training. Trainees will be able to apply the skills correctly in ascertaining the diagnosis of reported AEFIs and conducting causality assessments of AEFIs.