
May 21, 2024

Alumni Club of Brazil raises over $2,000 for scholarships

International student application fees, registration for the STEM Summer Camp for High School Students, application fees for The Ohio Program internships in agriculture, registration for the Moritz College of Law Foundations of U.S. Law and Practice – the Alumni Club of Brazil recently launched its first fundraising campaign to cover these fees, opening new opportunities for students who might not have been able to participate before. Thanks to the donors, this campaign was a success and exceeded its goal of $2,000 by raising nearly $3,000.

As part of its 10th anniversary celebration, The Ohio State Brazil Gateway supported the club's initiative by managing the funds and now, promoting it to Brazilian high schools, universities and other institutions involved in international education.

"To the donors who participated in the campaign, we are glad to inform you that we have reached and exceeded the goal, which seemed very difficult to us in the beginning. We are very grateful for your support. We will certainly inform you of our next steps soon. The experience with this first campaign was very good for the Alumni Club of Brazil to learn, grow, and provide more benefits to everyone. Go Bucks!" Roberto Abramson, president of the Alumni Club of Brazil, said.

The Alumni Club of Brazil was established in 2020 and has led more than 14 initiatives, such as game watch parties and cultural webinars. Still want to donate? Visit the Alumni Club of Brazil's Buckeye Funder to learn more.