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Buckeyes Abroad: Trey Hammond

Trey Hammond, political science and French double-major, studied abroad at Université de Bourgogne Centre International d'Etudes Françaises (CIEF) in Dijon, France. 

Studying abroad had always been a dream of mine. I began taking French as a language course over ten years ago and knew that I had to live in France in order to fully understand the culture and the nuances of the language. Participating in the Université de Bourgogne Centre International d'Etudes Françaises program in Dijon has been one of the most important and memorable experiences of my life.

The amazing food and excellent wine will always be important aspects of my memories from France, but it was the people I met who made my study abroad experience something I will never forget. My host family became family to me and staying with them was the greatest part of my experience. I can also now say that I have close friends from all over the world, from Germany to China!

Through dealing with language barriers and countless solo travel experiences throughout Europe and Northern Africa, I became much more confident in my ability to adapt to new environments and situations. I lost track of the number of trains and flights I missed and as a result always had to be on my toes and flexible for any eventuality.

There are so many benefits to be had from intercultural exchanges, both on a personal and larger scale. Being a knowledgeable and traveled global citizen makes for a very rich and fruitful life. I look forward to continuing my travels as I grow older and continuing the exchanges I made during this incredible program.