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Buckeyes Abroad: Abby Jung

Summer 2022

Abby Jung, senior molecular genetics major, studied at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology while participating in the Trondbuss Molecular Genetics program during summer 2022.

I selected the Trondbuss program because it allowed me to complete some requirements for my major while abroad at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

During my time in Norway, we studied next generation sequencing and performed clinical lab techniques that are usually not offered to undergraduate students. Not only was the coursework interesting, but we were also given plenty of time to explore. My favorite memories include our day trip to Oslo and having a cookout on the beach right next to the fjords.

I also attended the TEAN Semester Abroad program in Seoul, South Korea at Korea University during autumn semester 2021. Both the global education programs I attended were amazing experiences that have shaped my academic career. I was able to combine my love of science and technology without compromising time to explore the beautiful places around me. These experiences have reaffirmed my decision to hopefully obtain a master's degree at an international institution.

I would highly encourage students to study abroad. You become much more confident in your independence and foster your ability to approach problems with a global mindset.


Autumn 2021

Abby Jung, a third-year in molecular genetics, learned far more than science while studying in South Korea.  

During her fall semester global education program at Korea University in Seoul, Jung focused on cultural exploration with her courses and travel. 

“I think a study abroad was always going to be a part of my university education,” Jung said. “For me, seeing other ways of life outside of the U.S. was important to further my personal growth.” 

Jung’s time in Korea was delayed by the pandemic, having been accepted to the program for the 2020-2021 academic year, and she intended to attend a different program abroad in the spring semester that year.  

“It was quite the ordeal trying to get there but I am glad I kept trying!” Jung said. “I have thought about working abroad for my future career so the study abroad was sort of a trial run to see if that might be something I would enjoy.” 

Jung’s classes were held online, so she had plenty of time to travel around Korea. There’s lots to see in Seoul, but Jung found Busan and Jeju Island just as exciting.  

“There were still relatively strict COVID restrictions (mandatory masks, limited social gatherings, clubs and bars used to be closed fully or closed until 10 p.m., but stayed open until midnight) so classes were still held online, which allowed ample opportunities to travel around Korea,” Jung said.  

A typical day for Jung included waking up at 7:30 a.m. and then attending meetings for organizations back in the U.S., which involved a 13-hour time difference. Her classes began at 9 a.m. and ended at 4 p.m., but in between, she made time to visit local cafés, enjoy coffee and matcha lattes and eat steamed dumplings and spicy tofu for lunch at her favorite stew restaurant. 

“My study abroad experience was a mixture of school stress and a healthy dose of FOMO, but in the best way!” she said.  

After classes, Jung had dinner with her friends near campus and sometimes went to noraebang, a Korean-style karaoke, or studied at a café. She took the shuttle bus to avoid walking up the campus’ large hills at the end of the night, finding the city’s public transportation useful as an international student without a car.  

“I was born and raised in Ohio, and I do love the COTA buses, but the public transportation there was 100% better,” Jung said. “The subway and buses in Seoul were ridiculously efficient and always on time.” 

She finished her days by keeping up with skincare, which is especially important in Korea. She also learned about the importance of coffee in Korea, especially Americanos, and their massive influence in Korea.  

“I thought they were exaggerations, but it is accurate,” Jung said. “Iced Americanos were everywhere, and they haunted me.” 

She also learned that Seoul is a “sweet tooth heaven,” with dessert cafés everywhere that will “have your teeth rotting just reading them.” 

“If dessert is your favorite meal, then Seoul is for you,” she said.