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Buckeyes Abroad: Lindsay Weisskopf

Lindsay Weisskopf, third year strategic communication major, is studying abroad in Florence, Italy with Arcadia University. 

I chose to study in Florence because I wanted to travel to a city with rich history and great food. My program, Accademia Italiana, offers an interactive experience through Italian speaking professors and field trips in classes. I love learning about famous works of art and locations in class and then visiting them the following week. Many of my professors will share personal stories and connections to these places as well!

Accademia Italiana offers weekend trips and day trips around Italy. It also gives the opportunity to travel around Europe on weekends.

I am so grateful to be able to travel the world especially after being confined to the U.S. for the last two years. I have wanted to go abroad my whole life, and the vast number of programs is one of the reasons I chose Ohio State. I love to travel and visit new places, so the experience of getting to fully immerse myself in a different country was a no-brainer. I believe that every student should study abroad!