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Center for Latin American Studies awarded Title VI funding

The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) has been awarded $619,704 in U.S. Department of Education Title VI funding for the remaining three years of the 2022-26 grant cycle.

As a re-instituted Title VI Comprehensive National Resource Center, CLAS will continue to strengthen less commonly taught language instruction, support faculty research in and on Latin America, promote knowledge and expertise about the region through academic programming, enhance K-12 outreach and teacher training, and develop sustainable collaborations with minority serving institutions and community colleges. 

The Office of International Affairs, College of Arts and Sciences and Graduate School were instrumental in successfully securing these grants.

"We are thrilled to be named a Title VI Comprehensive National Resource Center once again!" said Scott Schwenter, professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and director of the Center for Latin American Studies. "These funds will provide the means to support the innovative and varied programming on Latin America that we offer to Ohio State faculty and students, community college instructors, K-12 educators, and other partners and stakeholders in Ohio, the U.S. and throughout Latin America.

“Moreover, the funds will complement the support we provide to students through Title VI Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowships. In short, our designation as a Title VI Comprehensive National Resource Center will ensure that Latin America, its languages and its cultures continue to have a strong presence at Ohio State."

Title VI National Resource Center grants and FLAS fellowship funding are awarded to Area Studies Centers around the country through a rigorous and highly competitive review process. They are designed to ensure a steady supply of graduates with expertise in less commonly taught languages, world areas and transnational trends.

Last year, the Center for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies and the East Asian Studies Center were selected to receive Title VI Comprehensive National Resource Center and FLAS fellowship grants for the 2022 – 2026 award period. The Center for Latin American Studies also received Title VI FLAS funding. 

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