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Respiratory specimen transportation and handing training improved skills

In collaboration with the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), the Global One Health initiative trained Ethiopian Postal Service Enterprise staff engaged in transporting specimens to five respiratory molecular diagnostic laboratories in Ethiopia. The training aimed to improve the respiratory specimen referral system between ILI/SARI sample collection sites and the testing laboratory by offering insight into appropriate sample handling and transportation protocols.

Sixteen participants from the postal service and four from EPHI attended the two-day workshop. Attendees represented seven regions – Somali, Benishanul-Gumz, Oromia, SNNPR, Gambella, Amhara and Afar), as well as the cities of Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa.

Key topics of the workshop included: specimen management and handling, documentation and record keeping, quality and safety in specimen referral, specimen packaging, labeling, handling and shipping, and communication skills. Participants improved their awareness of sample handling, maintaining quality of samples and applying safety precautions in the event of an emergency during transportation.