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Brazilian students participate in Taste of OSU and Celebrations of Nations

Taste of OSU, an Ohio State Signature Event, took place on February 16 at the Ohio Union where attendees experienced cultures from around the world through a night of food, music and performances. This year, more than 40 different international clubs participated, including the Brazilian Student Association (BRASA). They had a booth with pão de queijo (cheese bread) and brigadeiros (chocolate fudge), both beloved Brazilian dishes. BRASA also collected the second highest number of tickets.

"I had already participated in this event last year, but only cooking. This year, with the role of organizing everything and also helping in the kitchen, it was very challenging but a lot of fun. With a goal of making 400 brigadeiros and 400 cheese breads, we ended up making more or less 600 brigadeiros and 800 cheese breads, thanks to the help of everyone at the club,” Cauê Faria, BRASA president, said.

Ohio State’s Wooster campus also had its signature international cultural event – Celebration of Nations – on February 28. Celebration of Nations is an event sponsored by the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) where people from different countries showcase their food and culture. This year, 10 Brazilian students and scholars brought some of the most popular Brazilian dishes including, feijoada (black bean stew) with rice, pão de queijo, brigadeiro, beijinho (coconut fudge named “little kisses” in Portuguese), goiabada com queijo (guava paste and cheese, named “Romeo and Juliet” in Portuguese) and Brazilian coffee. “We won best savory and best sweet dish!” Cecilia Chagas de Freitas, post-doctoral researcher, said.