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Alumni Spotlight: Anu Shultes

Anu Shultes ’03 MBA balanced the demands of motherhood and her academic studies, all while making the 120-mile commute from Cincinnati to Columbus to complete her degree at Ohio State.  

​Her first day of orientation at Ohio State ​​​coincided ​​with the 9/11 tragedy, bringing​ her entire class closer, and also ​shaping Shultes' profound connection to ​her adopted​ country. 

Originally from Chennai, India, Shultes has enjoyed a successful career in corporate finance and investment management. She is currently the CEO at Dashfi and is an advisor for Gilgamesh Ventures, where she leverages her expertise in profit and loss management, retail banking, ​customer focus ​and operational efficiency to fulfill her mission of lifting people out of poverty. In 2021, Shultes' outstanding achievements led her to be the sole Indian woman featured in Forbes 50 over 50​ for Finance​ 

Beyond her professional endeavors, Anu treasures her role as a​ strong partner to her husband, ​mother of ​her three ​children​ and caregiver to her aging parents​. Her love for cooking is rivaled only by her passion for​ inspiring others and doing good in the​ world. Her advice resonates deeply: "No matter how challenging life gets, identify ​and pursue ​your passion, and success will follow."