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Clark and Koch awarded Freeman-ASIA scholarship to study abroad

Makalah Clark and Samantha Koch have been given Freeman Awards for Study in Asia (Freeman-ASIA) scholarships to support their study abroad experiences in East or Southeast Asia.

A Korean and studio art double-major, Clark will study at Sogang University in South Korea for academic year 2023-2024. “Winning the Freeman-ASIA scholarship supports my opportunity to grow in unimaginable ways and have experiences I couldn't get anywhere else which makes me truly grateful to the organization,” reflects Clark.

A Japanese major, Koch will study at Waseda University in Japan for academic year 2023-2024. "I am incredibly honored to have been granted a Freeman-ASIA award, which will substantially support my lifelong dream of studying abroad in Japan. This prestigious scholarship not only provides financial assistance, but also signifies an opportunity to fully immerse myself in a vibrant culture, pursue my academic aspirations, and embrace new experiences,” shares Koch. “Words cannot express my gratitude for this invaluable chance to enhance my language learning and create unforgettable memories in Japan."

From its inception in 2001, Freeman-ASIA has made study abroad in East and Southeast Asia possible for over 5,000 U.S. undergraduates from more than 600 institutions. A Freeman-ASIA award provides need-based funding to assist the recipient with the cost of the study abroad program and related expenses, including airfare, basic living costs, local transportation, books, etc.

Freeman-ASIA is sponsored by the Freeman Foundation, a private foundation with offices in Honolulu, HI. The Freeman Foundation’s major objectives include strengthening the bonds of friendship between the United States and countries of East Asia. Through education and educational institutes, the Foundation hopes to develop a greater appreciation of Asian cultures, histories, and economies in the United States and a better understanding of the American people and of American institutions and purposes by the peoples of East Asia.