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Buckeyes Abroad: Anna Turner

Public health major Anna Turner studied abroad through the Global May Germany program during the summer of 2023.

I have always known I wanted to do some sort of an abroad experience in college. This was the perfect amount of time and I learned so much. I wanted to go abroad to learn about other cultures around the world and meet people from all over the world! 

The group and professors we traveled with were amazing. The group had so much fun together and were always adaptable when things went wrong. I have learned to be very adaptable from this experience because things can be very different from my normal routines at home. My favorite activity we did was when our group went to Markthalle Neun (Market Hall Nine) which is a huge food hall with all sorts of food from all over the world! This was in a neighborhood called Kreuzberg which is a very diverse neighborhood in Berlin.

It is important to be a global citizen because it can help you to be a part of global change. I have learned so much during this experience and being a global citizen can help make our planet more peaceful, sustainable and much more!