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Buckeyes Abroad: Lillian Kennedy

Lillian Kennedy is a sophomore studying animal bioscience. She traveled abroad on the Human and Animal Interactions program in Ireland during winter break 2023.

The excursions we went on, both animal-related and cultural, were incredibly fun and educational. One of my favorite memories will be the night that we listened to Irish folktales. It was such a calm and fun experience, and one that couldn't have been recreated in the same way somewhere else.

I want to be able to see more of the world, and Ireland has been on my bucket list for ages. I love traveling, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to see what else is out there.

I need to keep traveling abroad and having as many of these experiences as possible. It brings me so much joy to be adventurous, and I love learning about other cultures where I can experience them authentically.

Being able to be engaged in what is going on in the world around us and being open to opinions that differ from our own. It's impossible to agree with everyone all of the time, but we can always be respectful of each other.