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Buckeyes gathered in Riyadh to celebrate Alumni Club of Saudi Arabia

Ohio State Buckeyes gathered recently in Riyadh to celebrate the Alumni Club of Saudi Arabia. Dedicated alumni Musa Alharoon, Saud Milibari, Mohammed Alsekhan, Abdulaziz Almousa and Ziyad D. Al-Qahtani have worked closely with The Ohio State University Alumni Association to build the alumni club and bring Buckeyes together.

Gil Latz, vice provost for global strategies and international affairs, and Anagha Sirpurkar, executive director, international advancement, attended the celebration, provided campus updates and networked with the large group of passionate alumni.

"One of the most powerful connection points for people is their alma mater, and as a Buckeye in Saudi Arabia, I am lucky to be part of such a vibrant, diverse, and engaging network," noted Musa Alharoon, BS '11 chemical engineering.

Thanks to alumnus Faisal Fakhouri for providing creative Buckeye swag for attendees.