
May 21, 2024

Students complete the 2023-24 Global Engagement Certificate Program

Congratulations to those who completed the Global Engagement Certificate Program (GECP) in the 2023-24 academic year. The certificate is an opportunity for students to enhance their Ohio State experience while becoming global citizens.

Emma Atkins

Emma Atkins, Bachelor's in Nursing
"Over the course of the year, I think I made a lot of progress in my confidence when interacting with people from different backgrounds from my own and gained a wider knowledge of various cultural perspectives. It also put into perspective my own culture and made me realize I actually do have a cultural background of my own. Lastly, and most importantly, it allowed me to foster relationships with those around me that I hope to continue as we go through life."

Daphine Choy

Daphine Choy, Bachelor's in Psychology
"The Exchange Partner Program was most valuable to me! I would not be able to meet so many people from different countries in such an open and conversational environment otherwise. I learned a lot about how my identity as an Asian American influences my interactions with others."

Nicholas Cline

Nicholas Cline, Bachelor's in Nursing
"I would definitely recommend the GECP to other students who have an interest in interacting with and learning about other cultures. I believe that it is important for everyone to be exposed to and develop cross-cultural knowledge. Learning about and being exposed to different cultural perspectives enhances cross-cultural competency, introduces new curiosities and fosters empathy toward others. It presents a whole new world to explore."

Natalie Decuir

Natalie Decuir, Bachelor's in Middle Childhood Education
"I would absolutely recommend this program to future students! Ohio State has so many opportunities to learn about the diverse world, and through this program you can meet a community of people who are also interested in furthering their cultural understanding of the world. This program is very rewarding and allows you to broaden your perspectives."

Eileen Dunn

Eileen Dunn, Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering
"The most memorable part of the program were the conversations that I had with international students at the different events. I learned a lot about different Asian countries, from the concept of salad in India to a typical work day in China."

Mohit Jangid

Mohit Jangid, PhD in Computer Science and Engineering
"To me, culture has always been like a treasure, refined over generations. It is a treasure because it has survived people's interest over a long period of time. Generations consider it significant value to pass it on. Some complex and some simple, culture broadens my perspective of art, people and nature. GECP helped me appreciate these treasures and helped me develop better relationships with a diverse group of students."


Sophia Brown-White
Hailey Collett
Madison Hall
Yahui Lin
Madeleine Simms
Chloe Zhang
Ziyu Zhou