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Solar Engineering Service-Learning with the Navajo Nation

The latest addition to global education in the U.S. focuses on collaboration, service-learning and cultural experiences while in the heart of the Navajo Nation.

The Solar Engineering Service-Learning with the Navajo Nation program is the second U.S. based global education program at Ohio State. Students will spend two weeks in the Mesa region of Arizona on the Navajo Nation, the largest indigenous peoples reserve in the United States. The program is led by Paul Berger of the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at Ohio State. While on site, students will collaborate with members of the Navajo Nation to implement sustainable solar services to the community.

“Every day we encounter individuals with cultures, beliefs and values that differ from our own,” explained Kyle Sturges, associate director of global education. “By developing and participating in U.S.-based global education programs, we are reminded of this fact and further experience the richness of culture that exists around us.”

Students will experience the Navajo Nation culture through research and collaboration with the community while also gaining valuable experience in the field of solar engineering.

“Many people have the goal and expectation to discover a new place and learn about new cultures just by traveling internationally. What they don’t realize is that they can get the same experiences here in the U.S.,” said Alyssa Kyff, global education manager.

The inaugural program will take place in May. More information can be found at