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Buckeyes Abroad: Naa Dromo Korley

Naa Dromo Korley is a second year student studying medical anthropology. She participated on the
The program was a leadership course that opened my eyes to ways of becoming a better leader. The course also focused on the Social Change Model and Italian culture. Being able to go to Italy made the course more applicable. I chose this course because I wanted to learn more about Italian culture and did not want to miss out on a chance to go to Italy!

I loved being abroad. Being abroad did not feel real to me until I came back home and reflected on the pictures I took! Being abroad really gave me a glimpse of Italian culture! I loved the food so much! I'm such a foodie.

I would 100% encourage other students to study abroad! Go with friends, go with an open mind, you'll enjoy it! If you love traveling or want to start to get into it then study abroad is the right thing for you!