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GOHi hosts IPC training

Continuing its efforts to improve Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) in selected healthcare facilities, the Global One Health initiative (GOHi) Eastern Africa office conducted several IPC-focused trainings in June and July.

As part of GOHi's objective to build health care professionals' capacity, GOHi provided an introductory half-day session for implementing contact precautions for 170 staff members of Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital and Zewditu Memorial Hospital over several days. This training will enable TPUs to implement contact precautions for patients with targeted multi-drug resistance pathogens.

To augment these efforts and improve the knowledge and attitude of clinicians in TPUs, GOHi also provided a two-day training session on the basics of IPC for 37 nurses from the NICU of Tikur Anbasa Specialized Hospital.

While GOHi leads these efforts of implementing basic standards and targeted transmission-based precautions, GOHi is also working to help trainees share the knowledge they've gained with other staff members at their hospitals to help maximize impact and learning. With this goal in mind, GOHi held a customized training session on the principles of IPC practice for 20 clinical staff members from the two facilities in charge of leading and implementing IPC activities.