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GOHi receives accolade from EPHI for strengthening national pathogen genomics capacity

The Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) recently recognized The Ohio State University Global One Health initiative (GOHi) for its support in strengthening genomic sequencing work and ongoing capacity in the African nation. Genomic sequencing is used to find changes in areas of the genome, helping scientists understand, diagnose and treat diseases.

With U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funding, GOHi implemented a project to strengthen the Genome Sequence and Bioinformatics core facility in Ethiopia. In this project, GOHi provided equipment including a polymerase chain reaction workstation, high-performance computers to enhance bioinformatics capacity, sequencing supplies and more, along with training and mentorship for the team at EPHI. GOHi also provided in-depth hands-on genomic training for two weeks for technical personnel at the Kenyan Medical Research Institute.

Desalegne Degefaw, GOHi country director, delivered the keynote speech at a recognition ceremony on February 20, 2024, highlighting GOHi’s continued commitment to strengthening institutional health systems in Ethiopia and the long-term collaboration between GOHi and EPHI. Other organizations also received recognition at the event for their support in strengthening the core facility.

The event was attended by the State Minster for Health, Ayele Teshome, EPHI Director General, Mesay Hailu, deputy director generals, university representatives, private sector contributors, other institutes of human and animal health and major media outlets.