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Alumni Spotlight: David Goodman

David Goodman, '07 MA Chinese, has established a successful career in real estate following his time at Ohio State. He currently serves as executive director for the Advisory & Transaction Services team at CBRE, a global commercial real estate service and investment firm. Goodman shares more about how Ohio State has helped him achieve professional success and his tips for current students. 

Describe how your career has developed since your time at Ohio State.

After graduating in 2007, I entered commercial real estate as an advisor and had the opportunity to work across various markets and firms in China, implementing office leasing and investment strategies for multinational companies with operations in China.  During the start of my career, I was learning the market customs and dynamics and supporting projects. Later in my career, I was leading and implementing projects, heading a small team of delivery experts. My family settled down in Shanghai in 2008 and I’ve been anchored here since.

Since graduating from Ohio State, what are you most proud of achieving?

Career-wise, I’ve successfully overseen nearly 20 million square feet and worked with many Fortune 100 companies. Landmark mentions include a 300,000 square foot HQ office for a major U.S. Investment Bank in Shanghai Tower (tallest office tower in China, over 121 stories) which spanned over two years. I also managed a 1 million square foot HQ office project on behalf of a global company, the second largest global office to their HQ in the United States. Personally, it's been seeing my daughter grow up and mature, benefiting from the cultural environment to be truly bilingual and helping her develop into a global citizen.

Favorite Ohio State memory?

2005 Ohio State vs. Texas game. I had recently moved into Buckeye Village in Columbus and wasn’t very familiar with the city or community. A few friends invited me over to a local pub to watch the game. While Ohio State lost the game by three points (Texas ended up winning the National Championship that year), it was fun to see how the community got together for game days and the atmosphere. Certainly I had many good memories with professors from the Flagship program, both in Columbus and abroad, but it's hard to top just enjoying a great game night in Columbus.

What advice would you give to help someone gain a global perspective?

Get out, travel and try to live abroad for an extended period. Enjoy the foods, culture and try to connect. After I returned from my first studies abroad in 2004, I had a different mindset on life and had also made a few lifelong friends that I still keep in contact with today.

In what ways, if any, are you involved with Ohio State’s China Gateway?

I had the opportunity to work with Ohio State on establishing their first operations for the Gateway Office in Shanghai, China in 2010. I have also been involved with the active alumni group as a proud alumnus.  

What advice would you give to a current student and/or a new Ohio State graduate? 

Focus on grades but also on friendships. After graduation and later in life, some of the best career opportunities come from old friends or connections you made during school. The trusted bonds you make during this time should be strong and can help open opportunities later.