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Training on open-source health information management system

In March, the Ohio State Global One Health initiative (GOHi) co-organized a four-day training on the open-source health information management system DHIS2 for 72 surveillance officers and laboratory experts. GOHi organized the training with the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) National Data Management Center for Health and the National Influenza Laboratory. 

DHIS2 is a digital data-capturing system that allows users to record individual, aggregate data and generate vital reports based on the data entered. The training aimed to strengthen the digitizing of Public Health Emergency Management (PHEM) programs nationwide. 

Additionally, the training helped participants learn how to successfully implement influenza-like illness, severe acute respiratory infection and PHEM data capturing and reporting using the DHIS2 tracker in the sentinel sites and influenza testing laboratories nationwide. The training also improved participants' knowledge and practice using DHIS2 for day-to-day decision-making.