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IIE publishes Open Doors Report

The Ohio State University is ranked in the top 30 nationally among doctoral institutions hosting international students, according to a national report released today.

Ohio State is 26th in the nation and 6th in the Big Ten with 6,604* international students enrolled in 2021, a decrease of 3.8 percent from 2020.

The outbreak of COVID-19 during the 2020-21 academic year significantly limited the ability for students to study abroad and Ohio State currently is not nationally ranked.

These findings were issued as part of the 2022 Open Doors Report, an annual survey published by the Institute of International Education in partnership with the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

International student enrollment has been declining in the U.S. since 2015 and experienced a record 15 percent decrease in 2020-21. However, the total number of international students studying in the U.S. rose 3.8 percent in 2021-22.

The slight decrease in the number of international students enrolled at Ohio State can be attributed to a variety of factors including visa delays, increased competition from universities in Europe and Canada as well as fewer students continuing their academic programs and practical training in the U.S. after graduation. As an example, Ohio State had 1,459 students participating in Optional Practical Training in 2020 and 1,204 in 2021.

“Ohio State remains an attractive choice for international students,” said Gil Latz, vice provost for global strategies and international affairs. “We’re confident that our international student population will slowly reach enrollment levels prior to the pandemic.”

With the many travel restrictions that were in place around the world, only nine Ohio State students participated in education abroad programs in 2020-21. However, even though thousands of students were unable to travel or programs were canceled, student interest remained high. Students attended Getting Started sessions, met with global education advisors and 168 students participated in virtual global education programming.

“This year, we are finally seeing students participating on education abroad programs,” Latz said. We are looking forward to students being able to once again take advantage of these international experiences that are so critical to their education.”

The 2022 Open Doors Report is released as part of the nationwide observance of International Education Week (November 14-19), a joint initiative established by the U.S. Departments of Education and State.

At Ohio State, International Education Week is celebrated through a number of activities supported by the Office of International Affairs, which facilitates and support’s Ohio State’s international initiatives and advances global opportunities for students, faculty and staff. For more information, visit

* The IIE’s collection of enrollment data for international students includes two categories of students who are not currently enrolled at Ohio State in classes for credit. They include “Optional Practical Training” students who are not taking classes but are continuing their education through practical training in their field of study, and exchange students who are pursuing continuing (non-degree) education.