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Brazil Gateway hosts new student sendoff event

An afternoon filled with family and friends, good food and football ticket giveaways comprised the best parts of the annual Brazil Gateway send-off events for new Brazilian Buckeyes.

This year, new students and scholars and their families met over lunch in São Paulo to learn more about Ohio State and connect with new, current and former Buckeyes. Caue Faria and Tiago D'Elia, current Ohio State students, were joined by Jaret Waters and Gustavo Ribeiro, Ohio State alumni, to share their experiences and valuable tips about life on campus.

"The lunch showed me the real Buckeye spirit. It felt like I made the right decision and chose the right family to be a part of. Meeting some of the current students who are already at the university was a blast," Giulia Angelo, an incoming nursing undergraduate student, said. "They answered all my questions and helped me feel really at home already."

The traditional raffle of two football game tickets, donated by Giancarlo Tasso, an Ohio State engineering alumnus, was the highlight of the afternoon. Angelo won the tickets and made a new friend in the process.

"I also met a graduate student with whom I had already established a connection and with whom I decided to share the two tickets we won to a game," Angelo said.

These send-off events in São Paulo continue to make lasting connections and build excitement among new students.

"I can't wait to be back during summer to celebrate and welcome the new students in the future," Angelo said.