Marko Babić, researcher and lecturer in the Department of Political Sciences and International Studies of the University of Warsaw, has been named Fulbright Slavic Scholar at Ohio State for spring semester 2025. Babić holds a PhD in political science and DSc (habilitation) in political science and administration and serves as head of Eurasian Studies at the university in Warsaw, Poland.

During his stay at Ohio State as the “Slavic Scholar,” Babić will teach “Topics in Polish and European Culture” a 5000-level cross listed course that presents Polish, Central European and Balkan contemporary political, social and cultural problems between identity, nationalism and geopolitics. With additional historical context provided, the course will explore the interconnectedness of the national ideas, identities and the world of politics.
Upon completion of the course students will know and understand the principal problems of regional politics and geopolitics; how they influence contemporary social and political life in the region; and topics related to European integration. Students will also be able to spot and discuss political and axiological issues.
“From the beginning of my academic career, I have focused on Poland, Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans in the aspects of their geopolitical position, state building processes, ethnic conflicts, identity including such determinants as history and religion. I have always been fascinated by the phenomena as they make a significant impact on political processes, policies and politics. Therefore, in a broader context, my research includes elements of political philosophy, cultural anthropology and sociology in their theoretical and normative dimensions,” Babić explained.
As an authority in security issues and geopolitics, Babić provides expert opinions to the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Polish Ministry of National Defence, Polish Institute of International Affairs, Centre for Eastern Studies, and The Aspen Institute in Germany. Babić has been a visiting professor at many European universities in Portugal, France, Serbia, Hungary, Macedonia and Russia.
The Fulbright Slavic Award is a 4-month lecturing scholarship program for Polish scholars who specialize in Slavic culture (literature, media, art) or the history, politics, and economy of Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. Ohio State is one of only two universities in the United States to establish a collaboration with the Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission to host a visiting Fulbright Slavic scholar annually. The University of Illinois at Chicago is the other. The Polish Fulbright Commission values Ohio State's interest in Poland, with reference to the university’s internationally recognized Center for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies and the longstanding commitment to the region by the Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures.
Jaroslaw Szczepański was the inaugural Slavic Scholar in autumn 2021, Wojciech Lewandowski was on campus in spring 2023 as the second. Agnieszka Poczta-Wajda was the third Polish Fulbright scholar at Ohio State during spring semester 2024.
Fulbright Program
For more information about the Fulbright Program at Ohio State please contact Joanna Kukielka-Blaser.