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Buckeyes Abroad: Regina Loayza

Senior Regina Loayza is an environmental policy and decision making major with a minor in a Andean and Amazonian studies. She traveled abroad Panama: Through the Lens of AgriCulture, Sustainability and Diversity during winter break 2023.

The immersion into Panama's rich history and diverse culture made my education abroad experience unforgettable. From touring the Panama Canal to meeting indigenous communities and volunteering with local children, every moment was filled with enriching experiences that broadened my understanding of the world.

One distinct memory that stands out is my time spent volunteering with children at Lo Tuyo Farm and interacting with Thiana, a 10-year-old girl. We worked together to make a nacimiento, and through our conversation, I gained insights into her life in Panama and the joy of cultural exchange.

It was crucial for me to go abroad to expand my cultural awareness, deepen my understanding of global issues, and gain firsthand experiences that I couldn't have had otherwise. This trip provided me with valuable insights into sustainable agriculture, indigenous rights, and the complexities of international development.

Through this experience, I've learned resilience, adaptability, and the importance of cultural humility. I've also gained a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of global issues and the role individuals can play in fostering positive change. Being exposed to different perspectives has challenged and enriched my worldview.

To me, being a global citizen means recognizing our interconnectedness with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures, respecting cultural differences, and actively engaging in promoting social justice and environmental sustainability on a global scale. It involves empathy, curiosity, and a commitment to lifelong learning and collaboration across borders.