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Buckeyes Abroad: Shayna Kling

Shayna Kling, a junior psychology major and Spanish and business minors, is studying abroad in Sevilla, Spain during spring semester 2022.

It feels freeing to step outside my Ohio State bubble and explore a completely different culture. I am also enjoying the challenges that are coming my way in terms of adjusting to a completely different culture that I would not have had if I stayed in the comfort of Ohio State for another semester.

We start the program with three weeks of an intensive course to learn in depth about Spanish culture and the specifics of the language in Sevilla. I will be taking one class at Estudios Universitarios y Superiores de Andalucia, a local Sevillan University, as well as two classes at Connecting Worlds Abroad, taught by Ohio State professors in Spanish. We have multiple weekend and day trips around Spain that are included in our program, as well as the opportunity to travel around Europe on the weekends. I chose this program because of the home stay element and to improve my Spanish. I am extremely lucky to be staying with an amazing host family, and that has been the main contributor to my Spanish improving. I am way more immersed in the culture (especially the food), than if I were living in an apartment in the city. I have also wanted to study abroad in Spain since I started learning Spanish at age 12, so being able to make these dreams a reality has been amazing.

My tuition this semester was cheaper to study abroad than stay at Ohio State. When else in your life are you going to have an entire semester or summer to grow, explore, learn and enjoy in a completely different country? You have your whole life to stay in the United States and find a job/internship and settle down. Use this time wisely to take advantage of the amazing world that we have! Yes, studying abroad may be the more difficult or complicated option, in terms of learning a new language, being away from home and creating a new routine, but these challenges are going to make you stronger, and a better person when you return to Ohio State for the next semester.