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OHEART annual meeting held in Gondar, Ethiopia

Global One Health initiative (GOHi) conducted its One Health East Africa Research and Training (OHEART) Program annual meeting in Gondar, Ethiopia February 2-3. GOHi’s OHEART Program aims to strengthen and sustain the international research training program shared between The Ohio State University and institutes of higher learning in eastern Africa.  

The meeting covered various topics including, technical and administrative program updates, scientific presentations from OHEART fellows and discussions on program improvements. Attending the meeting were representatives from Ohio State, GOHi, Kenya Medical Research Institute, University of Gondar, Armauer Hansen Research Institute, University of Khartoum and fellows from Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Addis Ababa University and the University of Gondar. 

OHEART’s mission is to train future researchers and trainers using an integrated multidisciplinary One Health approach. The ultimate goal is to establish sustainable research and training capacity for zoonotic infectious foodborne, vectorborne and waterborne pathogen research in eastern Africa. It is important to build a critical mass of capable scientists that can effectively conduct research on infectious diseases, implement prevention tactics and innovate control systems. Partner institutes include University of Nairobi, Kenya Medical Research Institute and University of Gondar.  

The OHEART program has supported doctoral and post-doctoral fellows from Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia, and is funded by the Fogarty International Center at NIH.