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Consultants complete Center for Operational Excellence program

Founded in 2003 out of the technology incubator of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro as a management and technology consulting company, Visagio is now a global business development transformation platform with projects delivered across more than 40 countries. With offices in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Recife, Brazil; Perth and Sydney, Australia; and London, United Kingdom, Visagio has a long-standing partnership with The Ohio State University, mainly with the Fisher College of Business.

One of the existing collaborations is a seven-week program for Visagio’s consultants at Fisher’s Center of Operational Excellence.

In 2023 as part of this partnership, three consultants – Alexandre Servat Sander, Camila Milani and Jack Hill – were selected to travel to Columbus and implement a sustainability project for a local company. The three consultants also attended MBA classes to expand their professional development through the university’s resources.

As MBA students, they learned and grew together, and they also worked on a project that focused on environmental, social and governance carbon footprint reductions for a large nutrition company in the city. It was a challenging project that required innovative solutions, but they were able to develop a comprehensive strategy that impressed both their professor and the company’s management team.

The three consultants were also able to explore Columbus by trying local restaurants and cheering on the Columbus Blue Jackets, the city’s professional ice hockey team.