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Buckeyes Abroad: Kenna Rowley

An international studies and Spanish double major, Kenna Rowley studied abroad in Spain for spring semester 2023 via the ISA Granada, Spain: Hispanic Studies.

After spending 5 months abroad during my sophomore year of high school in Costa Rica, I knew that I would want to go abroad again. Living in a new country isn’t always easy, but my time in Granada has brought me more than I could have ever imagined. It has been amazing immersing myself in a completely new culture, getting to practice my Spanish every day, eating new foods, meeting people from all over the world, and getting to know my host family who now feel like a second family.

While I love spending time in Granada, I have also been able to explore other countries such as France, Sweden, Denmark, Morocco, and Italy. I feel so grateful to be able to have so many unique experiences and see so many amazing places!

Through this experience, I have not only improved my Spanish and met incredible people-both from Ohio State and from Granada – but have also gained independence and confidence. It’s funny to think about the beginning of January when I arrived and everything felt completely unfamiliar. It’s amazing how somewhere can begin to feel like home after just several months.

If you are thinking about studying abroad or considering it, please do it! A week, a month, a semester-it they’re all worth it! Leaving somewhere you feel comfortable in is difficult, but it comes with an amazing reward. I will forever cherish my time in Granada.