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Travel to Risk Designated Countries

The health, safety and security of students and faculty traveling abroad is a top priority at Ohio State. Ohio State utilizes intelligence sourced from numerous organizations, including the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Center for Disease Control, Crisis24, On Call International and others, to determine if proposed travel for education abroad, research, field work, internships or volunteer opportunities abroad can be experienced in a safe and secure manner.

Information about the university’s travel guidelines can be accessed at the Office of Business and Finance website

Ohio State risk-designated scale

Ohio State utilizes Crisis24/Drum Cussac’s Country Risk Ratings criteria (updated monthly) to inform its preliminary review of proposed travel destinations. Countries with an Overall Risk Rating meeting or exceeding 3.5 are elevated for additional review by the International Travel Policy Committee (ITPC). Reviews are generally conducted on a monthly basis. Countries with risk ratings meeting or exceeding 4.5 in the categories of Security, Infrastructural, Political, Environmental or Medical will also be elevated to the ITPC for review and approval.

View the September Crisis24 Country Risk Ratings.

Travelers should always monitor advisories for their intended location by registering in the U.S. Department of State Smart Traveler Enrollment Program.

Travelers must obtain approval to travel to risk-designated countries

The provost appointed International Travel Policy Committee establishes guidelines and operating procedures for university travel. University faculty travel with students to any risk designated country must be approved by petition to the ITPC and approval of the provost.

  • An active Travel Warning issued by the DOS
  • Currently assigned a “Warning Level 3, Avoid Nonessential Travel” by the CDC
  • Comprehensive U.S. government Export Control sanctions including Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria
  • Petitions for organized travel to risk designated countries should be submitted no later than 30-days prior to the application deadline or 60-days prior to intended travel (whichever comes first).

International Travel Policy Committee

The International Travel Policy Committee (ITPC), appointed by the provost, develops guidelines and policies to maintain the health and safety of Ohio State students, faculty and staff studying abroad or conducting research or business in another country.

The committee is also responsible for conducting a risk assessment for students planning to study in risk designated countries and provides approval (in consultation with the provost) for university-related travel to these locations. The ITPC approval process evaluates the academic value of travel balanced with the current health, safety and security conditions of the intended destination.