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International Travel Planning Considerations

Minimum leadership requirements for university-supported group travel

Groups traveling with seven or more participants that include undergraduate students must be accompanied by a minimum of two program leaders. Primary program leaders must be university employees – faculty, staff, graduate assistant – assigned to this role by their college or unit leadership. Secondary program leaders must be university employees – faculty, staff, graduate assistant – or one of the following:

  • An academic or professional leader who signs a letter of appointment for a specific short-term role
  • An independent contractor who signs a contract with specific expectations outlined by Ohio State
  • A vendor that is contracted to administer the Ohio State program in a 24/7 capacity
  • The protocol for two program leaders does not apply to groups with six or less participants, or those groups entirely comprised of students in post-baccalaureate programs in the Graduate School or professional colleges. However, it remains best practice for all Ohio State supported groups to adhere to the protocol.

Eligibility for student participation in Ohio State-supported international experiences

Ohio State supported international experiences are designed to fulfill the university's academic mission and to enhance the student experience. Participation in Ohio State supported international experiences is limited to:

  • Students currently enrolled at Ohio State during the time of their international experience
  • Students who have recently received their degree and are completing an international experience as part of an Ohio State course or degree requirement immediately following their final term of enrollment
  • Students who have recently received their degree and are traveling on a university funded fellowship or research award immediately following their final term of enrollment
  • Students who have been admitted but are not yet enrolled who are traveling on a university funded fellowship or research award immediately preceding their first term of enrollment
  • Individual units may set higher standards of academic eligibility criteria or enrollment requirements for student participation.
  • Students with specific disciplinary sanctions under the Code of Student Conduct, the Sexual Misconduct policy and/or criminal histories may not be eligible to participate in Ohio State sponsored programs. A disciplinary record review is submitted to the Office of Student Conduct at the time of application to an Ohio State supported program, and the disciplinary records of all students admitted to programs are reviewed and completed prior to departure. The review also includes sanctions determined by the Office of Residence Life and the Office of Institutional Equity. The criteria listed under Disciplinary Eligibility for OIA education abroad programs apply to all other forms of Ohio State supported group international travel.

Completion of the Ohio State travel registration process

  • Pre-travel completion of the Ohio State Travel Registration process is a requirement for all university supported individual and group student travel. The registration requirement applies to all students traveling abroad. In addition, all faculty or staff leading students abroad on university programs must register in the system.
  • As part of the registration process, all students will be enrolled in the university’s supplemental travel insurance. The insurance includes coverage for medical, medical evacuation, repatriation and political emergency and natural disaster evacuation. Faculty and staff traveling as program leaders will also be enrolled in the insurance.
  • The Ohio State Travel Registration process is separate from the process of booking travel. Travel expenses subject to the university Travel Policy must adhere to both the expense requirements for booking travel and the ITPC travel registration process. For student travel to risk designated locations, it is advisable to complete the ITPC assessment process prior to booking travel or committing to non-refundable expenses.
  • It is the responsibility of all Ohio State students to accurately complete the registration process prior to travel and to update changes to their itinerary and dates of travel. Colleges, departments, and units supporting student international travel are responsible for verifying that all students and faculty and staff program leaders have completed the process prior to their departure.

Criteria for university-affiliated international travel

Ohio State-Affiliated Individual Travel

  • This application is intended for students participating in non-OIA individual academic or co-curricular international travel that is supported by the university. Support includes travel funded by a scholarship or grant awarded or disbursed through the university and/or direct graded OSU course or research credit.
  • Ohio State does not support individual undergraduate travel to Tier 4 and Tier 5 locations. Individual students planning travel to Tier 3, Tier 4 and Tier 5 locations must complete and submit an ITPC Individual Student Travel Risk Assessment. It is recommended that assessments be submitted during the planning process, prior to committing any non-refundable payments, and no later than 60 days before the departure date.

Student Organization Group Travel

  • This application is intended for students participating in group academic or co-curricular international travel that is arranged by a student organization and is not managed by the university. International travel by Registered Student Organizations (RSO) is not considered university supported. However individual students participating on an RSO organized international experience that meets any of the criteria above are required to adhere to the protocols for university supported travel. In exercising their own due diligence, RSOs organizing an international experience are encouraged to follow university protocol for all participating Ohio State travelers. 

Ohio State-Affiliated Group Travel

  • This application is intended for students participating in non-OIA group academic or co-curricular international travel that is coordinated by a department, unit (e.g. Student Life, Athletics, etc.), faculty or staff member.
  • Faculty and staff proposing student travel to Tier 3 and Tier 4 risk designated locations must complete and submit an ITPC Risk Assessment. It is recommended that assessments be submitted during the planning process prior to the recruitment of students, the commitment of non-refundable payments, and no later than 60 days before the departure date.