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Safety Emergencies

In the event of a crime or other direct threat to your personal safety:

  1. Seek a safe location or shelter in place.
  2. Call the local equivalent of 911.
    1. If you need assistance identifying appropriate local police or security resources, contact the nearest U.S. (or your country of citizenship) Embassy or Consulate who can assist in identifying appropriate local government agencies and resources in the country where they work.
  3. If you have a designated in-country emergency contact, such as a faculty resident director, an on-site director, or other program leader, be in touch with this person as soon as possible.
  4. If you do not have a designated in-country emergency contact or you cannot reach the contact, call the Ohio State 24/7 International Emergency Phone Line at +1-614-292-6677. Be prepared to:
    1. Identify yourself as an Ohio State student traveling abroad.
    2. Provide your exact location.
    3. Provide contact information, in multiple forms if possible such as phone number, SMS, email or Skype.
    4. Inform the responder of the issue.
    5. Answer any additional questions requested.

The Department of Public Safety will contact Global Health and Safety or another first responder to return your call and provide further assistance and instructions.