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Tech/Photo Safety

Technology safety

Posting revealing information about yourself could make you a target both in the United States and in the country you are visiting. To reduce the risk, consider disabling location services on your social media accounts and limiting the details of your overseas posts. When using your smart phone or laptop abroad, you are encouraged to be very wary of unsecured Wi-Fi. Your personal and financial information should be protected as much as possible. Consider removing bank and other information-sensitive apps from your smart phone and tablet prior to traveling overseas so that no personal information is unintentionally shared on a public or unsecured network.

Photography safety

Ohio State travelers have been photographed posing in the O-H-I-O cheer all over the world. Before snapping a photo it is important to understand that:

  • In some countries it may be inappropriate or even illegal to photograph police and military installations or personnel; transportation infrastructure, including harbor, subway, train and airport facilities; border areas; and official government buildings including embassies.
  • In the rare event of civil disorder or other public disturbances, it is strongly advised to refrain from photographing any scenes of protests or violence.
  • The dignity of persons abroad should always be respected; seek permission before photographing individuals (including permission from parents before photographing children) and cultural acts (such as religious sites and ceremonies.)
  • Disrespecting sites by climbing on monuments or posing in a manner locally considered indecent can lead to significant penalties and consequences, including fines and deportation.

For more information about taking pictures safety and appropriate pictures abroad, read the U.S. Department of State report on safe photography abroad.